3 iPhone features you might not know about

The popularity of the iPhone has changed the landscape of the mobile phone market in recent years.

Whether you have an iPhone 7 Plus or an iPhone 12, the remarkable consistency and user-friendly interface that Apple’s mobile phones boast has helped make them the go-to smartphone for many across the country. And yet, despite so many people using iPhones, very few will know and use every single feature that their handheld device possesses.

New iOS updates are regular and as such, new features, shortcuts and tips and tricks emerge frequently, too. In this article, we have handpicked 3 iPhone features that you might not know about, but will hopefully come in handy.


Despite Apple introducing AirDrop in 2011, the sheer power of the transfer app is often underestimated. The feature allows users to move files, be they photos, documents or contacts, from one Apple device to another in impressively quick time. To turn the feature on, head to Settings > General > AirDrop.

This iPhone, iPad and MacBook feature can save you huge amounts of time when it comes to moving data, as there is no size limit on AirDrop.

Shake to undo text

Do you ever find that after you have typed out something wrong, it is very tricky to delete or edit that text? Well, iPhones have a really smart and easy to use feature which acts as an ‘undo’ for text.

Under the Accessibility tab on general settings, turn on the Shake to Undo function. With this activated, you can simply shake your iPhone when you have typed something wrong to undo that action and write it again. A really smart feature that not many people make the most of.

Use your camera flash for notifications

Under the Accessibility section of your iPhone settings once again, you will find the option to use a visual signifier as opposed to audio for phone calls, texts and other notifications.

Switch the LED Flash for Alerts toggle to make your smartphone light up whenever you have a notification. This feature is really helpful for those who are hard of hearing or perhaps hoping not to wake anyone up with a late-night phone call.